
Upcoming Project Deadlines

  • First Project Two draft and comments on other student projects, due before June 24

JavaScript and Web Fundamentals

Week One
  1. Discussion Topics, Week of May 21

    1. Refresher on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript syntax, structures, and style
    2. Fundamental browser-embedded JavaScript objects and APIs
    3. Browser-parsed data in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
    4. Navigating and referencing documentation

Server-Side JavaScript: Node.js Fundamentals I; API Structures

Week Two
  1. Discussion Topics, Week of May 28

    1. Standard Node.js modules and objects
    2. ECMAScript 6+ JavaScript syntax
    3. Asynchronous, non-blocking I/O on the file system
    4. Navigating, referencing, and sanity-checking API documentation
    5. Mocking API responses locally for development purposes

Node.js Fundamentals II; Serialization Formats

Week Three
  1. Discussion Topics, Week of June 4

    1. Data serialization formats
    2. RESTful HTTP request/response architecture
    3. Asynchronous, non-blocking I/O on remote data access
    4. Overview of Express.js applications

The Structure of Express.js Applications

Week Four
  1. Discussion Topics, Week of June 11

    1. The minimalist Express.js web-application framework
    2. Structuring apps in Express.js
    3. Templating options for views
    4. Passing data from API requests into views

Authenticating to APIs

Week Five
  1. Discussion Topics, Week of June 18

    1. Per-app vs. per-user authentication
    2. Securing authentication assets
    3. API terms of service

Application Deployment

Week Six
  1. Discussion Topics, Week of June 25

    1. Automated deployment with pm2
    2. Monitoring application status and performance
    3. Caching API requests