Copyeditors and Readers & Writers
Week One
Agenda for the Week of January 18
- Read through course policies & calendar
- Set up course technologies and accounts
Copyediting Basics
Week Two
Agenda for the Week of January 25
Project One description and requirements
- The basic purposes and techniques of copyediting
- Course work-submission procedures
- Creating shareable links in Dropbox or Google Drive
Agenda for the Week of February 1
- Fundamental punctuation marks and their uses
Spelling, Capitalization
Week Four
Agenda for the Week of February 8
- Spelling, including variant spellings within and between American and British
- Capitalization of proper nouns and the authority of style references
Numbers and Numerals; Abbreviations
Week Five
Agenda for the Week of February 15
- Numbers and numerals
- Abbreviations, acronyms, and initialisms
Grammar I: Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives
Week Six
Agenda for the Week of February 22
- Basic grammar: nouns, pronouns, and adjectives
Grammar II: Verbs, Adverbs, Prepositions; Conjunctions
Week Seven
Agenda for the Week of March 1
Project Two description and requirements
- Basic grammar: verbs, adverbs, and prepositions
- Conjunctions, clauses, and sentence construction
Errors and Usage
Week Eight
Agenda for the Week of March 8
- Common grammatical errors and their fancy names
- Usage guides and dictionaries
Catch-up and Work Week
Week Nine
Agenda for the Week of March 15
- Q&A over material covered so far
Figures and Tables; Mathematical Formulas
Week Ten
Agenda for the Week of March 22
- Figures: photographs, illustrations, and other works of art
- Tables: data, charts, graphs, and other visualizations
- Representing and copyediting mathematical formulas in manuscripts
Quotations and Dialogue
Week Eleven
Agenda for the Week of March 29
- Quotation of written and spoken material
- Dialogue
Citations and References I: CMS Note Style and Bibliography
Week Twelve
Agenda for the Week of April 5
Project Three description and requirements
- Basic, shared components of citation styles
- Note-style references and bibliography in CMS
Citations and References II: CMS Author-Date References
Week Thirteen
Agenda for the Week of April 12
- CMS author-date reference style
Proofreading, Indexes
Week Fourteen
Agenda for the Week of April 19
- Proofreading and its differences from copyediting
- Creating indexes from page proofs
Copyediting Professionally
Week Fifteen
Agenda for the Week of April 26
- Professional practices and ethics for working copyeditors
- Freelancing as a copyeditor
Agenda for the Week of May 3
- Final project questions