Course Description

From the Catalog: This course will cover the creation of Web pages and sites using HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, and graphical [sic] applications as well as the client and server architecture of the Internet and related web technologies. The creation and deployment of modern, standards-compliant web pages are addressed. Students create and deploy a Web site with multiple pages and cross-linked structures.

Extended Description: The course emphasizes a research-driven approach to web development that adheres to the relevant standards specifications governing the use of the web’s languages and protocols. All practices covered in this class give priority to accessibility and long-term use and sustainability. The course avoids entirely the lore and half-baked, quick-fix shortcuts that too often plague web development practice and instruction. Student work is organized around weekly work and participation, and three major projects, completed both individually or possibly in teams. All projects emphasize the course’s hands-on, theory-grounded approach to web development.

Course Outcomes

At the conclusion of this course, successful students will be able to:

Course Objectives

Students completing this course will learn to:



  • Andrew, R. The New CSS Layout. A Book Apart, $14 (eBook), 9781937557683
  • Keith, J. & Andrew, R. HTML5 for Web Designers, 2nd ed.. A Book Apart, $14 (eBook), 9781937557249
  • Marcotte, E. Responsive Web Design, 2nd ed. A Book Apart, $14 (eBook), 9781937557188
  • Santa Maria, J. On Web Typography. A Book Apart, $14 (eBook), 9781937557065



  • A blank, bound sketchbook of 100 pages or more
  • A wide-tipped black marker, like a Sharpie
  • An email account that you check daily
  • A browser- or cloud-based bookmarking scheme to aid your information management
  • A Basecamp account (invite will arrive via email); Basecamp, not Blackboard, will be where we coordinate our work and communication during and outside of class.
  • A GitHub account (see note about anonymity in the course technology policy below)
  • A personal computer, Unix-based (Linux, BSD, macOS) or virtualized to run a Unix-like OS, with the following software installed:
    • A plain-text editor capable of Ruby syntax highlighting and configured for UTF-8/Unicode character encoding and Unix-style line endings (LF), entabbed with spaces (two spaces per tab)
    • Firefox Developer Edition (free)
    • Git (free)

Special Needs

I make it my very top priority to create courses that are welcoming and accessible to all students. I will make additional reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities. In order to receive accommodations, students must obtain a letter of accommodation from the Center for Disability Resources. The Center for Disability Resources is located in IIT Tower, 3424 S. State Street - 3F3-1 (third floor, in the northwest corner across from the Student Health and Wellness Center). Contact the Center by telephone at 312-567-5744, by TDD at 312-567-5135, or via email at

Students who have any difficulty, either permanent or temporary, that might affect their ability to successfully participate in and complete the class should contact me privately, either in person or electronically, at the start of the semester or as a difficulty arises. That includes difficulties with housing, internet access, and anything that otherwise compromises your sense of safety, security, and support—especially if it impacts your ability to complete this class. Please reach out.

I will adjust methods, materials, or deadlines as necessary to ensure equitable participation for all students.

Mental Health and Well-Being

It’s no secret that attending school while managing and balancing other life concerns is incredibly stressful and at times completely overwhelming. And that’s when there’s not a global pandemic raging, disrupting all aspects of our lives. All of us, no matter how outwardly strong, successful, or put-together we might appear, struggle sometimes.

Illinois Tech provides all students with a variety of free counseling services. I encourage all students to seek support and help from the Counseling Services unit of the Student Health and Wellness Center. Students facing a crisis situation, especially outside of the Counseling Services unit’s operating hours, may wish to call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. The Student Health and Wellness Center maintains a list of other emergency resources worth bookmarking.

Attendance & Participation

Your timely submission of work and active participation in the electronic discussions for this class are required both for your own success and for the success of the class as a whole. I do not squander students’ time with reading quizzes, but I do assign a lot of reading. And I expect you to be prepared to discuss that reading on Basecamp by quoting or making direct references to each week’s assigned reading.

Additionally, you should be posting to Basecamp about your individual and group progress, questions, and challenges as you complete the course’s major projects.

Students intending to earn an A for Participation should be posting substantively on the Discussion & Announcements Basecamp five times or more per week, with contributions appearing multiple days per week, all semester long. Students earning a B will post three to five times, and students earning a C will post two times, every week. Fewer than an average of two discussion contributions per week will result in a failing Participation grade. (While you are certainly encouraged to post to the Social Hour Basecamp, that activity does not affect your participation grade.)

Attendance at live class meetings does not impact your participation grade, but I do hope that everyone who is able joins those meetings.

Class Meeting Expectations and Etiquette

If you are able to attend our class meetings on Google Meet, here are just a few simple guidelines:

Assignment Submission

All major projects for this course will be submitted via Basecamp for instructor and peer feedback. Certain deliverables, such as critiques of team members, will be submitted separately via email. See each major project’s description for exact submission instructions.

Weekly work will be pushed to GitHub and posted about on Basecamp, as described in the weekly work’s instructions.

Late Work

All work must be submitted before the date and time specified in each project description. Weekly work is due by the start of the first class meeting each week. The deadlines in this class, including for draft work, are no different from exam dates in classes that have exams. I expect you to do your best to treat them accordingly. If you believe you are in danger of missing a deadline, be sure to contact me well ahead of time so we can work something out.

Grading Policy

A = 90+ pts; B = 80-89 pts; C = 70-79 pts; D = 60-69 pts; E =< 59 pts

Grading Criteria

Technology Policy

Technology is an essential part of learning and day-to-day living. It is therefore essential to this class. You are just as responsible for learning to command various technologies as for any other course content. Difficulty with technology is not an acceptable excuse for being unprepared for class or for incomplete assignments.

If you are having trouble with technology or any other material covered in this course, it is your professional responsibility to do research beyond the resources and guidance provided in class and find supplemental materials that work for you. I also encourage all students to contact me during my office hours or at another arranged time. I prefer that you contact me via Basecamp Ping or email well in advance of assignment and project deadlines. I want everyone in here to succeed, but each of you has to take the first step and reach out for help.

Also, I have asked you to sign up for a GitHub account for this class. Note that GitHub accounts are public, as are most social-type accounts. To protect your privacy you are certainly allowed to use a pseudonym/alias for GitHub and any other account. That being said, you might want to think about the high value of establishing GitHub and other accounts under your own name or professional alias. Public accounts where you conduct yourself professionally might well be an asset to your online presence, improving the search results that future schools or employers turn up when they look for you on Google and elsewhere.

Academic Integrity

As with any course at IIT, you are expected to uphold the Code of Academic Honesty as described in the IIT Student Handbook. All work for this course must be your own original effort, including print and digital page design and computer code. Summarizations and quotations of text, as well as any use of open-source code libraries and images not of your own making, should be clearly cited as legally and ethically warranted and rhetorically appropriate. Access, storage, dissemination, and other use of data from third-party sources must conform to the source’s terms of service, licensing, and other relevant legal and ethical restrictions.

If you are at all uncertain as to whether you are submitting work that in whole or in part may violate the Code of Academic Honesty, please contact me immediately and before the work is due. The consequences of academic dishonesty are severe. Any student who violates the Code of Academic Honesty will be subject to expulsion from this course with a failing grade, and I will report the student to the Chair of the Information Technology and Management Department, who may take additional disciplinary action, including reporting violations to the relevant offices of Undergraduate or Graduate Academic Affairs.